How to import stock information

To quickly and faultlessly replenish your stock (automatically), you need to add the items you have in stock to a stock location in the StockManager. Read how to do that here.

Product: BarTrack Inventory Manager

Intended for: Pro BarTrack Inventory Manager

BarTrack Inventory Manager

The BarTrack Inventory Manager is a convenient tool available on, as well as in the app and on bartrack for desktop. With this inventory manager, you can easily and efficiently set up and manage all the information about your inventory items. Whether you're in the office, on the go, or sitting at your desktop, you always have access to the inventory manager.

With the BarTrack inventory manager, you can easily manage and keep track of all your inventory items. It provides a user-friendly interface where you can input all the necessary information such as barcodes, stock limits, prices, and comments. This allows you to have a comprehensive overview of all your products and efficiently manage your inventory.

Importing items

A convenient feature of the inventory manager is the ability to import inventory information. As a BarTrack customer, you can easily add large quantities of products to your BarTrack Inventory Manager by importing inventory information. This saves you time and effort, as you don't have to manually enter each product separately. Using an Excel file, you can quickly and easily import all the necessary information into BarTrack. This allows you to efficiently manage and keep track of all your products in a fast and organized way.

1. Download the sample file.

To use the import feature, you can download a sample file from This file allows you to fill in all the necessary information, such as barcodes, stock limits, prices, and comments. The only required field is the barcode, but you can also add additional information to better manage your inventory. Once you've completed the sample file, you can easily convert it to a CSV file and import it into the inventory manager. This allows you to efficiently import and manage all your products in one place.

Download example file

The sample file contains the following fields where information can be entered.

barcode barcode_custom maximum_stock minimum_order_quantity minimum_stock position price name_label remark

This field is the only one that must be filled in on the Excel file. If you only input and import the article numbers, BarTrack will automatically add the corresponding default information. This is often done to quickly and easily set up a inventory location.

barcode_custom: If your organization uses its own article numbers, you can enter them here to generate the QR or barcode for that number. This number will then be automatically linked to the article number entered in the 'barcode' column. This allows you to easily modify the linked article without having to replace the sticker.

maximum_stock: This field represents the maximum number of products that can fit in the container. It is displayed on the sticker to facilitate the ordering and stocking of the correct quantity.

minimum_order_quantity: Do you want to adjust the order quantity? Simply enter the desired order quantity here to save time when placing orders.

minimum_stock: This represents the minimum number of items that can be kept in stock. It helps the buyer know when something needs to be reordered.

position: Do you want to track and label the position of an item in BarTrack? Knowing the exact position of an inventory item is extremely helpful, especially in large warehouses where items need to be organized or when bins are taken to the workplace. By using the position feature, you no longer have to remember where everything is located.

price: If you want to add your own prices to an item, you have the option to do so.

name_label: Do you want to add a custom description for an item? Product descriptions are often too detailed, so employees on the shop floor often add a handy short description to make it easier.

remark: Do you want to add a comment while scanning the specific item? You have the freedom to add comments to improve the business process.

2. Exporteer excel file to CSV file

After completing the Excel file, you need to convert it to a CSV file in order to enable the import feature. It's important to note that there are different types of CSV files available.

Note: The file must be a UTF-8 encoded .csv file. Columns should be separated by a ; or ,. If a column contains a ; or ,, it must be enclosed in ".

3. Importing at the desired location

  1. Open the Inventory Manager, navigate to the 'My Inventory' section in the menu.
  2. Navigate to the specific location.
  3. Next, click on the 'Import' button located in the top right corner.
  4. Next, click on the 'Choose File' button.
  5. Select the CSV file and click on the "Import" button.

Afterwards, all items with any modified information will be displayed at the location, allowing you to immediately print the barcodes.