Adding a new app user via the HuB. How do I do that?

Want to add orderers or have customers stock this items of yours. Easily add them to BarTrack and make ordering and restocking child's play.

Product: BarTrack HuB

Intended for: Wholesale employee

In the BarTrack HuB, it is incredibly easy to add a new BarTrack App user. Once added, the purchaser will receive an automated email with instructions on how to install and activate the BarTrack App. Follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the BarTrack HuB
  2. Go to 'Users' in the menu bar. Here, you will find an overview of all BarTrack accounts linked to your wholesale company.
  3. At the bottom right of your screen, you will see a pink "plus button". Click on it. Then you will be presented with the option to choose between an App user and a wholesale employee.
  4. Click on "App user" to add a new App user.
  5. A new screen will appear. Fill in all the fields on this screen and click "submit".
  6. If you have set up the HuB in a way that every purchaser is NOT automatically approved, make sure to approve them first. Otherwise, the purchaser will not be able to place orders. To do this, go to the notifications section at the top of the screen next to the shopping cart icon. Click on the bell icon.

 7.   If your wholesale company does not utilize the webshop integration, you need to add the customer number on the recipient's detail page. To access this page, click on the eye icon located on the right side of the screen.

 8.   Click on the pen icon below the customer number to fill in the customer number. Don't forget to save it by clicking on the icon next to the number again.

An email will be sent to the user containing their username and temporary password to log into the app. The email will also provide instructions on where to download the app.

What should the purchaser do?

  1. To begin, the purchaser needs to download the BarTrack App on their device. They can do this by going to the designated download location as indicated in the email they received. Once the app is downloaded, the purchaser can open it.
  2. Next, the purchaser needs to log in using the credentials they received in the email. This includes the username and temporary password. Once they enter these details, the purchaser can proceed to the next step.
  3. To enhance security and ensure personal access, the purchaser must create a new password. This password needs to be strong and unique in order to protect the account. Once the new password is set, the purchaser can continue using the app.
  4. Once the purchaser has logged in and created a new password, they are ready to place orders using the BarTrack App. They can browse through the available products, add them to their shopping cart, and complete the order following the specific instructions provided by the wholesale company. The ordering process in the BarTrack App is simple and intuitive, making it effortless for the purchaser to order their desired products.