Automatic ordering of stock replenishments

Make your inventory management fully automatic with BarTrack and Exact for Construction! Make sure you always have enough stock without having to order manually.

Product: BarTrack for Web & BarTrack for Desktop

Intended for: BarTrack Professional purchasers

With the integration of BarTrack and Exact for Construction, you can easily order automatically when your inventory drops below a certain level.

Steps to order automatically

  1. Check item information settings:
    Make sure all item information settings are set as desired. Refer to this support article if you need help setting them up. Most importantly, make sure that "Order automatically" is checked as in the example below. Also don't forget to click on save. This will make the synchronization take place and so it will also be in the Exact system immediately.

  2. Scan the QR code of the material:
    When using material for a project, scan the QR code with the Exact for Construction app. Make sure your QR codes have been generated with BarTrack to make automatic ordering run smoothly. Creating QR codes with BarTrack is an easy process with this guide!

  3. Stock update in BarTrack:
    The current stock in BarTrack decreases by the number indicated and included.

  4. Automatic order list addition:
    If the current stock drops below the value entered in 'order at', BarTrack will automatically add the item to your order list.

Note: Make sure the QR codes are generated based on the Exact for Construction item number. This happens automatically when the "Exact item number" field is filled in the item settings. If this field is empty or if the item number does not match the item number in Exact for Construction, automatic ordering will not work and BarTrack will not place automatic orders. Therefore, check this carefully.


With BarTrack's automatic ordering option and Exact for Construction, you'll never have to worry about manually tracking your inventory again. Just make sure your item information is set up correctly, and BarTrack will do the rest! Contact our support team if you need help.