Booking stock materials on a project

Optimize your inventory management with the integration between BarTrack and Exact. Scan QR codes for effortless material books on projects and receive automatic order suggestions. Discover the simplicity of this efficient approach!

Product:, Exact app

Intended for: BarTrack Professional purchasers

All project bookings are done with the Exact app. How project bookings can be done with the Exact app is clearly described in the Exact support. Once BarTrack is linked to Exact, every time a product is booked on the project - whether it is with the scanner functionality or manually - the quantity indicated is subtracted from the total stock via BarTrack. This leads to automatically generated order suggestions to maintain inventory levels.

How to get started.

  1. Stock balancing: Before you can make material bookings, you need to properly balance the current stock.

  2. Go to Navigate to the linked location and open the product detail page of one of the items. An Exact number and unit should be entered here.

  3. Fill in the left block: Enter the current stock, order quantity and the 'order at' quantity.

  4. Save: Click save to make the changes.

Material booking by scanning

  1. Print order stickers: Go to the inventory manager on and navigate to the appropriate location. At the top of the screen is a "Print order stickers" button. Click this and select the items you want to print stickers for. A PDF will be generated of all selected articles. For more information on sticker generation, please see our support article.

  2. Book material on a project: Scan the QR code generated by BarTrack with the Exact app to book the material on the project. With each product booking on the project, the specified quantity is deducted from the total inventory via BarTrack.

Tip: Turn on automatic ordering to receive automatically generated ordering suggestions when stock is below a below a self-defined value.


With the integration of BarTrack and Exact, you can easily book material on a project by scanning the QR codes with the Exact app. By properly balancing your inventory and using the BarTrack order stickers, you will optimize your inventory management and ensure a streamlined process. For more information, consult Exact and BarTrack's support articles.