Creating a project in the BarTrack App

With the BarTrack App, you can easily create new projects to better organize your inventory management. Follow the steps below to create a new project quickly and efficiently!

Product: BarTrack App

Intended for: All BarTrack App users

Steps to create a project

  1. Open the menu: Launch the BarTrack App on your smartphone. Open the menu by clicking on the three dashes in the upper left corner.

  2. Select "My Projects": In the menu that opens, tap "My Projects. Here you will see an overview of all the projects you have previously created.

  3. Add a new project: Click the "New" button at the bottom right of the screen to start the process of creating a new project.

  4. Enter the project name: The screen that now appears will ask you to enter a name for your new project. This is the only information you can enter through the app at this time. The project name is essential and required to create the project.

  5. Save the project: After entering the project name, confirm the creation of the new project by clicking on "Save" or a similar option. Your project is now created and visible in your overview of projects.

  6. Manage project details online: To add more details to your project or change the project name later, log in to There you can access more options for managing your projects, including changing the project name and adding additional project information.

Creating a new project in the BarTrack App is a simple process that will help you better organize your inventory management. Follow these steps and you'll be ready to start using your new project. Good luck and enjoy the convenience of BarTrack!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I add more details to my project or change the name later?
: Yes, to add more details or change the project name later, you can log in to There you will have access to more options for managing your projects.

Q: What happens to the order history if I delete a project?
A: The order history will be retained and visible even after you delete the project.