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I can no longer log in using the 2FA Authentication SMS method

It is only possible to adjust the 2FA authentication settings when you are logged in

Product: BarTrack HuB, BarTrack App

Intended for: Wholesale employees

  1. Delete account
    if you cannot log in because the 2FA code via text message is not arriving please contact BarTrack support or send an email with the username and description of what is wrong. A staff member will delete the account so a new account can be created and then another 2FA method can be set up
  2. Create Account
    After being notified that the account has been deleted, a new account can be created using the same email and phone number. An account can only be created by a colleague who also has a BarTrack account and a support employee.
  3. Activate account
    After activating the account, it is possible to log in to the BarTrack Hub.
    Immediately after logging in, a link will appear with a request to set up a 2FA method.
  4. Download the google authenticator app
    create an account
  5. Log into the BarTrack HuB
  6. Click on the link that appears. A black screen will then open
  7. Click on the plus button. Then you have to choose from 3 options
  8. Choose one-time time-based password.
  9. Next, scan the QR code that becomes visible with the Authenticator app.
  10. Then enter the generated code and click add.

Now there will always be a code available on the phone and you are no longer dependent on the SMS provider