Temporarily withdrawn items and order suggestions

It can happen that an installer grabs items from the weighing cabinet but turns out not to need everything. BarTrack has a solution for unnecessary order suggestions due to temporarily removed items.

Product: Weighing cabinet integration in BarTrack

Intended for: All BarTrack purchasers

Problem with items temporarily removed and put back

The problem occurs when an installer temporarily removes items from the weighing cabinet and later puts them back. If synchronization occurs during this period and the weight of the trays temporarily falls below the threshold, the items are placed on the order list unnecessarily. This happens while the items are back above the threshold after being put back, making ordering unnecessary.

BarTrack's solution

BarTrack has solved this problem by rechecking bin weights at the time of ordering. Bins that are above the threshold weight again are automatically removed from the order list. This prevents unnecessary inventory costs.


BarTrack prevents unnecessary order suggestions by rechecking bin weights at the time of ordering. Items that are above the threshold weight again are automatically removed from the order list. This allows for more efficient inventory management even when items are temporarily removed from the weighing cabinet.