Booking my received orders

Booking your orders in BarTrack is a simple process that helps you keep accurate track of your inventory. In this article, we explain step by step how to book your receipts once your order has been delivered.

Product: BarTrack for Web

Intended for: All BarTrack purchasers

Steps to book your orders

  1. Go to the "My orders" menu: After completing your order in BarTrack, you can find your entire order in the "My Orders" menu.

  2. Look up your order: In the "My Orders" menu, you will see several sections, including an overview of all your orders. You can look up your order by order number, project, supplier, order date or quantity.

  3. View your order details: Click on the eye icon to the right of the order to see more information.

  4. Book Receipts: Click on the pink "Book Receipts" button. A menu appears where you can indicate which items have arrived. If not everything has come in yet, you can check what has been received.

Tip: From your order, you can add items directly to a stock location. Go to your order information and click on the eye of the item of your choice ordered. Then press "Add to Location" to select your stock location.


Booking your orders in BarTrack is easy and helps you keep track of your inventory accurately. Follow the steps above to book your receipts correctly and make sure you always have an up-to-date overview of your stock. If you need help, please contact our support team. Good luck managing your inventory with BarTrack!